Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Holidays!

The end of the year always seems to go by fast. I had a wonderful Thanksgiving that my partner and I hosted at our home. It was nice to bring both sides of the family together!

Here is my dad preparing the most
important part of the meal!

Plenty of Love and Smiles to Share!

We are already getting ready for Christmas! Happy Holidays to all of you! May the Joy of the season surround you and your loved ones!

In Conclusion

I am almost finished with the report I am generating for LISC about employer assisted housing. My last day at LISC will be December 17th. I will be attending a meeting with LISC Phoenix’s Executive Director and Valley Metro that day to listen in on the project that will become of this partnership. I cannot wait to see how it all unfolds. What a great way to end my time at LISC, a continuation to further progression. My time at LISC Phoenix has been a great and insightful opportunity that I have really enjoyed.

One Step In the right direction for making Transit
Oriented Development feasible in Phoenix!